Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Notebooks 81-105

"la troka, that will haul them in bundles to a lawn, a backyard, a garage with a broken old Buick ro simply to a yard of freakish bushes and branches"
page 92

This quote comes in an Undelivered Letters to Victor section. The author is talking about the lives of Mexican workers. He describes them as an army who waits pickup from a truck to travel to a different job each day. Usually, the author talks to Victor about writing in this section, but this entry is about immigrant labor. He may be describing his heritage and what many people of his nationality choose to do in the U.S. and how lucky he is to be an author.

"Powers from the nation? Can we truly respect its borders?"
page 97

This quote comes in the longest most meaningful poem in the book so far. In this entry, he tackles issues such as the forming of organizations, racism, fear, conformity and nuclear war. All of these issues are the "big issues" that he said writers should be talking about. In this particular quote he is questioning what nations actually are. He says they are formed through genocide and oppression so do the leaders of these nations actually have power? This questioning is one of the aspects of most-modernism.

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