Monday, May 21, 2007

Notebooks 152-174

"In a few short whiffs, Tom Exclamado Central Inc. became a global phenomenon."
page 167

This quote comes in a section entitled My Chickens Say, "Por favor, si señor, si señora". It is of a family run chicken farm which is changed after the son of its operator returns with a degree from Stanford. As the quote indicates, Antoinne turns the chicken farm into a corporate giant which is the opposite of a family run business. The author may be saying this to describe that the notion that an education turns any company you touch into a corporate giant is fantasy, or he is speaking in favor of family business.

"'A martial art technique that numbs your opponents sense of color awareness.' Contestant #1 Hispa-ratee."
page 157

This quote comes in the section which is in the format of a game show. The contesants are all asked ethinically based questions in which the answers are hispa-something. This question is saying how hispanic people blur people's color awareness. Possibly because it is difficult for people to distinguish a chicano, hispanic or latinamerican person. This is hinted at in the beginning of this section when the author says remember what each ethnicity is.

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