Thursday, May 17, 2007

Notebooks 106-130

"Sometimes, from a small envelope she pulls out his broken bones, or she finds his torn fingers at the bottom of a cup of coffee"
page 124

This quote comes in the passage about murder and the death of young people. The first part is about a women who lost her brother to a traffic accident. She occasionally finds his body parts in pieces of her life. This shows that long after a loved ones death, a person remembers them in everyday situations. This is another large issue which the author takes on writing about.

"But you stayed true to form when you denied a contract for your nextg book without writing a single page"
page 115

This quote comes in a letter to Victor. It appears Victor has won some National Book Award. The author seems to be pleased with Victor and is giving him a hard time about all the media attention. However, the author expresses his real admiration when he says that Victor stayed true in denying a contract for his next book. This shows that Victor cares more about writing as a tool of society than money.

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