Sunday, April 1, 2007

Are These Actual Miles?

"But banksuptcy is a company collapsing utterly, executives cutting their wrists and throwing themselves from windows, thousands of men on the street."
page 585

This quote comes when the main character, Leo, is recalling his childhood. He remembers his father pointing out a nice house and telling him the people who lives there are bankrupt. However, Leo thinks that bankruptcy is when a company colapses and workers begin to commit suicide. Leo likes to beleive this because he is currently having financial issues and it comforts him to think that he is not as bankrupt as those people who commit suicide. However, in reality he is just as bankrupt as them.

"I said we're just finishing. I told you, it's part of the deal"
page 588

This quote comes when Toni calls Leo for the second time of the night. This time, she informs him that she and the perspective buyer are out to dinner at New Jimmy's. Toni says that the man sympathizes with their financial situation and thinks it is the worst thing to be considered as. At this point, Leo has had enough of the shady dinner date and wants to bring his wife home. However, she hangs up despite his pleas. In the end, she does not arrive home until early the next morning.

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